Known to those of us who either could afford one, had parents prepared to buy us one, or simply aren't as intellectually challenged, as a Celestial Steed.
Having researched a little this evening, it seems no self respecting WoW blog is complete without an entry about this delightfully sparkly pony so not to disappoint the masses I shall comply with public opinion and give you my own thoughts on the matter.
Firstly I have to express my complete lack of surprise at the myriad of ways people have come up with to insult those of you currently prancing around the Dalaran landing area on your new found mounts. My surprise comes from the inept methods these individuals are using, ranging from mythical figures plucked from the twisting nether to out right attacks on blizzards farming methods.
Reading a thread on MMO Champion I gazed in amazement as one member went on to describe how well within the first 24hours of this item going live, he'd witnessed more than 500 of these. I ask you, short taking note of each name that flies by on one, how exactly does he know this figure to be correct? More to the point, why did people take his claim seriously? Another member was nice enough to point out that we're all being farmed by blizzard, being forced to pay good hard earned money for a mount we don't need. He, along with his supporters must have missed the part where we all pay at least £8.99 a month to play the game, and that no one has a gun to anyone's head.
So why such mixed reviews? I think my opening to this entry says it all... If you were one of those who really wanted to get your hands on one of these then I'm really pleased for you, and when you link it to me in game I'll congratulate you like the decent person I am. If however you're one of those bitter complainers struggling to come to terms with the fact that you can't have what everyone else has, then maybe it's time you got out a little more, read a book or at the very least stepped away from the internet.
For the rest of us however, those who really weren't all that concerned one way or another about landing this highly sought after ride, I think "The Beautiful South" said it best:
And everyone is blonde
And everyone is beautiful
and when blondes and beautiful are multiple
they become so dull and dutiful