Wednesday 21 April 2010


I've been playing WoW since two weeks after release in the EU, and while I've taken the odd break here and there, I've always returned and remain a dedicated fan.

So why start a blog after such a long time? It isn't like there haven't always been issues either with other players or with the development/implementation side of it all, however with the ever increasing interest in blogging within the community, I felt it was time to add my own to the mix, in the hopes that in desperate times when you feel alone in the world, my views may offer some comfort or at least let you know others are out there thinking the same.

This blog is as much as outlet for thoughts and theories as it is a place of comfort where I can let out all that frustration built up by the lack of thoughtfulness of fellow players and GMs alike. I hope it won't become a place just for me to rant and rave when things get too much, but this is my first entry, and I confess I was pushed to it after watching a thoroughly vile individuals comments in party chat, so who really knows at this point? Not I, that's for sure.

At this point in the proceedings it may be appropriate to introduce myself...

As I said, I've been playing since shortly after release, and I've had my share of main changes in that time. Like many others I'm sure, I felt my first ever toon was the best thing since sliced bread, I fiercely defended my chosen role in the game and fought off other classes determined to take a higher position in popular favour. That was of course until my raiding alliance disbanded due to power struggles at the top and a difference of opinion over attendance rules and I found myself looking for a new raiding family. A guild or two later and it fast became clear that there simply were too many adequate players for my role, who while maybe not as skilled as myself in all cases, certainly played the political game better than I. Maybe it was time for a change?

I'd not long finished levelling my second toon to 60, found one of the better raiding guilds had a me shaped hole and applied. I attended by trial, got my promotion and some six months later found myself filling the class leader role, beating down new and exciting bosses on a weekly basis. The lack of political know-how never left me however, and shortly after the expansion and hitting 70 I found myself taking an extended break from the game, returning to find out that my beloved home had turned into a playground for children, childish games and popularity contests, the likes of which I could play no part in.

Forming my own guild was one of the best decisions I've ever made, I don't still have the guild and have moved on to a new home, but I met some of the most wonderful people the game has to offer, some have come and gone over the years, moving on to other games, quitting to spend more time with families and the likes, others however have become real life friends and people I can't imagine my life without. These people now share a space with me within my new and hopefully final resting place.

Don't get me wrong the guild isn't perfect, far from it in fact, but it does have a certain serenity about it when you learn to ignore the glaringly obvious flaws. I'm sure you'll be hearing plenty about those as time goes on.

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